Is your small business receiving exclusively 5-star reviews from your customers? If not, are you able to collect and implement customer feedback effectively? Do you have ways of incentivizing potential customers and bringing loyal customers back to your business? If not, do you have a way of creating rewards programs and promotions that might accomplish this?
CRM, Customer Relationship Management, is a difficult but crucial element to running a successful business. Whether you operate as a brick and mortar or an exclusively online business, you need to make sure you foster a relationship with your customers that puts their needs at the forefront. This is difficult to do without some help, so Clover developed some awesome CRM tools that collect and use the information that you need from your customers to build this relationship and improve your business.
Let’s start with your most loyal customers. You should be very proud of, and also curious about, what you are doing right with them. Figuring this out may help you to create more customers like them. An app like Customers Plus by Zoomify can be downloaded straight to your Clover POS, and it allows you to collect up to 19 fields of customer information, manage your customers from the web, and even attach files to customers. Customer profiles are automatically created based on credit card transactions and will continue to be fleshed out as these customers make more purchases with your business so you can figure out what and when your most loyal customers buy from you.
It is also important to reward those repeat customers to make sure they know how much you appreciate their business. Clover Rewards is an app that helps you create a simple, custom, and data driven rewards program for your customers that makes them feel seen and keeps them coming back.
What about a potential customer? Or one who hasn’t visited you in a while? Clover’s Customer Relationship and Marketing (SMS Text & Email) app helps you triple your revenue from new and lost customers, build loyalty, and drive two times more visits from an average customer. Communicating through text, email, social media, and receipts helps you broadcast new promotions to your customer base, bring customers back by telling them you miss them, and contact potential new customers to keep them in the loop.
After all is said and done, your customers want to know that their opinions matter. Clover’s CRM software helps you get feedback from your customers through direct, private messages so you can improve your business long term and show your customers that you care about their opinions. Customers can even get asked for their feedback right on their receipts. The easier it is to receive feedback, the easier it will be for your business to follow through on this feedback to keep your business thriving.
CRM, Customer Relationship Management, is a crucial element of running your small business. It is also one of the many aspects of your business that a Clover POS system makes significantly easier. AppStar is a proud Clover partner and can help your business get set up with a Clover POS, and as many apps in the Marketplace as you want on an ongoing basis. Let AppStar help you make your business more customer-centric and improve your sales long-term!